Latest releases


Differences between versions 2.64 and 2.70 of Valuekeep

Version 2.70 of Valuekeep was released on 06/27/2017. This version includes improvements to several already existing features, following up on and fulfilling market requests.

Automatic Approval of Issues 

  • Ability to create a work order when the issue is created – when users save an issue with a type that allows for automatically generating WO, the system will generate a WO in the state specified for that type of issue and the issue will remain in the initial state specified in the configuration of WO states. The following fields are now available for the issue type:
    • Generate WO Automatically – if enabled, the WO will be created when an issue of this type is created and saved.
    • WO Initial State – state assumed by the generated WO
    • WO Type
    • Work Center
    • Approver Priority Level
  • The following articles cover these changes:

Simplified failure reporting

Configuration of work order and issue states

  • Ability to change states and corresponding state transitions for work orders and issues
  • From work order states it is now possible to:
    • Create a new state
    • Delete an existing state, as long as it is not associated with any work order
    • Change the Configuration of existing states
  • The following configurations can be performed on work order and issue states:
    • Change the state description
    • Specify the initial state
    • Specify the final state
    • Specify state transitions
  • The following configurations can be performed on work order states:
    • The setting for counting the start and end of downtime can now be configured and each customer can decide in which WO state they wish start or end the down time.
    • Specify in which states work orders can be assigned to technicians
    • Specify in which states it is possible to report costs
    • Specify in which states the validation of tasks is required
  • Business rules changed in the work order screen:
    • The work order’s opening date is filled in when the work order changes into the first state in which it is possible to report costs
    • The work order’s end date is filled in when the WO is in the state in which the “Set SLA End Date” field is filled in
    • The work order’s closing date is filled in when the WO is in the state specified as the final state
  • The following configurations can be performed on issue states:
    • The setting for counting the start and end of downtime can now be configured and each customer can now decide in which WO state they wish start or end the down time.
    • Specifying canceled state(s) – in Valuekeep Mobile all issues will be displayed, regardless of state, except for issues in a state configured as “Canceled”
    • Specifying the state of a work order when the issue is in a specific state. For example, you can specify that when an issue changes to Closed, the WO also changes to Closed. This configuration is performed using the “Change WO State to” field
    • Specifying the issue states from which it may be possible to generate a work order
  • Business rules changed in the issues screen
    • The “Generate Work Order” and “Generates and Open Work Order” options were removed.
    • When the issue state allows for creating work orders, a “create work order” link is displayed at the bottom of the screen
    • When an issue changes to Approved state, the Work Order is not generated automatically. It is necessary to select the “create work order” link and choose in which state the Work Order will be generated
  •  Ability to configure the work order creation state in preventive maintenances
  • The following articles cover these changes: