
Mobile – Chat

67 views 4 October, 2017 30 September, 2019 Valuekeep 2

Valuekeep Mobile CMMS includes a chat feature so that you can communicate with the different user parties involved at the work order or issue level. From the chat you can create conversations with one or more users, who will receive a notification for each message sent.

How to create a chat?

To start a chat, you need to be at the work order or issue level. For this, access the corresponding screen with the view of the work order or issue:

  • In the Work Management module, we can access a WO or Issue from the Menu > All Work, which displays a list of all works to be done. Then, simply click the WO or issue where you want to start the chat;
  • In the Maintenance Request module, we can access an issue from Menu > Issues;
  • In the Work Report module, we can access a work order from Menu > Work Orders

After accessing the WO or issue, we need to click the message icon on the bar above. From here, we can access the list of conversations for that WO/issue. Using the add button ("+"), we can create a new conversation and specify the subject (the WO/issue's description is used by default), a message and the recipients.

How to view a conversation in Valuekeep Mobile?

There are two ways for us to view a conversation:

  • View all chats that occurred;
  • View all chats that occurred in a WO or issue.

To view all the conversations that occurred, simply click the message icon on the bar above for each Dashboard of each module. Here you can view all conversations; however, you cannot create new conversations.

To view all conversations in a WO or issue, simply follow the same steps for creating a chat, i. e. access the message icon in the general view of the WO or issue.

How to view or reply to a conversation within the solution?

The conversation record in which the user is included in the recipients list is saved in the solution, in Cooperative Operations | Chat | Conversations.

The list is grouped by conversation and displays the list of messages exchanged between the users. When you edit the conversation, it will be marked as read.

To add a reply to a conversation, click the New Message option. Fill in the message text and click OK. If any of the recipients is a Valuekeep Mobile user, the message will also be sent to the mobile app.

Which recipients can we choose when we create a new conversation?

The possible parties involved in the message are:

  • Person in charge of the work order;
  • Person in charge of the work order's work center:
  • Person in charge of the asset/location;
  • The issue's requester;
  • Person in charge of the issue's work center;
  • Technicians assigned to the work order

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