Step #3 – Build your Asset Hierarchy

Create Meters

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Meters are system entities which allow for monitoring parameters of the asset’s operation in order to trigger Preventive Maintenance actions. Meters can operate as independent units or be associated with other meters. The option to create meters is available under:  All Tasks Menu | Assets | Meters | Meters.

  1. To create a new meter, press the “Create new record” button at the top of the list of meters. In the work area, a new tab will be opened named “Create Meter“;
  2. Fill in the Meter data. The information to be filled in is organized into a set of tabs:
    1. Meters:
      Here, enter the meter’s general details: Code, Description, Meter Group, Location or Asset. The unit is inherited from the meter group;
    2. General:
      The General tab contains additional information on the meter. We call your attention to the Average Calculation Method, which allows for setting whether the calculation method is based on meter readings or days, and the Window Size of Moving Average which allows for setting the size of the sample used for calculating the average. In the Unit Cost field you can specify the value for each unit.

Calculation Methods:

Moving Average Days
  1. The system reads the number of days set in the Window Size of Moving Average attribute and calculates the date by subtracting the number of days from the date of the record which is being made;
  2. The system gets the meter reading on that day (Starting Reading – SR). In case there is no reading on that day, the system gets the next reading. In case there is more than one reading for the same day, the system gets the first reading of that day;
  3. The system subtracts the current reading value (CR) from the starting reading (SR) and divides it by the number of days (d), in other words, avg = (CR-SR)/d.
Moving Average Reading
  1. The system reads the number of readings set in the Window Size of Moving Average attribute and gets the meter value of that reading (SR), starting from the current reading.
  2. The systems gets the starting reading date and subtracts the current reading date to get the number of days (d);
  3. The system subtracts the current reading value (CR) from the starting reading (SR) and divides by the number of days previously calculated (d), in other words, avg = (CR-SR)/d.

Types of Meters:

  1. Reading: Reading Meters only allow for entering values through meter readings.
  2. Increment: Increment Meters only allow for entering values through value increments.
The Meters configurations are automatically inherited from the Meter Group and are a configuration suggestion which can be modified by the user when characterizing the Meter.

Meter codes are a structured field that can be configured by the end user by using the Sequences entity.

After entering values, the type of meter cannot be changed.

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