Step #6 – Plan your Preventive Maintenance

How to create a preventive maintenance for several assets and generate a single work order?

138 views 4 October, 2017 4 October, 2017 Valuekeep 0

To make the work of technical teams quicker, in some scenarios, technicians need to have a single work order for a set of assets. In these cases, the preventive maintenance must be configured for asset routes in the product.

To configure a preventive maintenance for the asset route follow these steps:

  1. Create the asset route, if it doesn’t exist. Once specified, an asset route can be used in several preventive maintenances; The "Create an asset route" article describes the steps for creating a route for assets.
  2. Create Preventive Maintenance; The "Create Preventive Maintenance" article describes the process of creating a preventive maintenance.

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