Work Report Mobile App

Mobile – Internal Requests

92 views 28 April, 2017 28 September, 2018 Valuekeep 0

To enter internal requests for a work order in Work Report, follow these steps:

  1. Access Menu | Work orders;
  2. Select a work order in the Approved or In Progress state and edit it. A window with the Work Order’s details will be displayed;
  3. Press the other options button (3 dots) on the upper right corner. A screen with the options to enter internal requests will be displayed

If the work order’s state is not Approved or In Progress, you can only view its internal requests. 

List of internal requests associated with work orders

After selecting the Enter Internal Request option, the list of internal requests associated with the authenticated user will be displayed in the Work Order details. This list is divided into tabs according to the internal request states. All internal requests created in the device will be in the “Drafts” tab.
From the internal requests list you can:

  • Enter a new internal request
  • Change a request that has not been integrated into the backoffice yet
  • Delete a request that has not been integrated into the backoffice yet
  • Sync a request into the backoffice
  • View a request that has already been integrated into the backoffice

Enter an Internal Request

To enter a new internal request, press the “+” symbol on the lower right corner. A screen for creating a new internal request will be displayed.
After opening the window to create a new internal request, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Warehouse;
  2. Press the plus symbol (+) to enter the items. Items can be entered in three different ways:
    1. Barcode;
    2. Manually;
    3. Total list – all items associated with the work order’s tasks are added;
  3. Press the Save button.

Change unsynced Internal Request

You can only edit internal requests that have not been synced with the backoffice yet.

To edit the internal request, press the other options (3 dots) button above the request you want to edit. The following options will be available:

  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Synchronize

To edit the record select the “Edit” option. A window with the internal request’s details will be displayed.
Change the data and press the Save button.

Delete an Internal Request

You can only delete internal requests that have not been synced with the backoffice yet.

To delete the internal request, press the other options (3 dots) button above the request you want to edit. The following options will be available:
To delete the record, select the “Delete” option. A window to confirm deleting the record will be displayed. Press Yes to delete the record and No to keep it.

View an Internal Request

After being synced, internal requests can only be viewed.
To view the internal request, press the other options (3 dots) button above the request you want to see and select the View option. A window with the internal request’s details will be displayed.

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