
Priority Levels

106 views 19 January, 2017 20 January, 2017 Valuekeep 0

The priority levels allow for classifying the work orders and issues and configure the expected response times. To create a new priority level:

  1. Select the Configuration Tables | Work Orders | Priority Levels option;
  2. Enter the key and the description of the priority level;
  3. Configure this level’s response times:
    1. In the General tab, add a row by right clicking;
    2. Select the week day in which to apply the response time setting;
    3. Set the unit and the response time value.
The week day setting is always applied from the most specific to the most generic. If, for example, you configure a response time of 8 hours for “Every Day” and another of 4 hours for “Week Days”, the calculation of the response time for a Saturday uses the 4 hours value.

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