Cooperative Operations

Set notifications to be sent when there are state transitions in entities

78 views 29 September, 2017 18 April, 2018 Valuekeep 0

You can specify whether you want a notification to be sent at the initial state or when there are state transitions in entities. For state transitions you can further specify whether the reason for changing is required.

To change this configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Cooperative Operations | Entity states option;
  2. Edit the entity’s original state;
  3. In the transitions grid, activate the Needs Justification option in the target state line;
  4. Select the notification associated with the transition;
  5. If this is the entity’s initial state, specify the Initial Notification to be sent when an entity is created in this state;
  6. Click Update to save your changes.

When an entity is changed from the original to its target state, you must enter the reason for the change and users setup for notification will receive an email. The initial state notification will be sent when a new entity is created in the initial state (such as Waiting for Approval) or when the state is changed from draft to its initial state (such as changing from Pending to Waiting for Approval).

Notifications are also sent to the email address specified in the company’s configuration.

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