WebAPI – Asset location change record

75 views 28 September, 2018 31 October, 2018 Valuekeep 0

This service allows you to retrieve a list of location change records for assets in Valuekeep.

Below you can find an analysis of the methods available through the service.

Get asset location change records with filter

GET /api/mytenant/myorganization/maintenancemanagementcore/assets/GetAssetLocationChangesHistories

This method allows you to retrieve the list of asset location change records, applying the following filters: You can retrieve this list of records using the following filters:

  • Version: Version
  • Year: Year of the change record

Filters are optional except for Version. The data in the list returned is sorted by version ascendingly.


GET /api/mytenant/myorganization/maintenancemanagementcore/assets/GetAssetLocationChangesHistories?version=AAAA=&year=2018

Get change records for a specific asset location with filter

This method allows you to retrieve the list of change records for a specific asset location, applying the following filters: You can retrieve this list of records using the following filters:

  • AssetKey: Asset to search for
  • Months: Number of months to search for
  • Version: Version

The Month filter is optional. If you do not define this parameter, the returned list only displays the records for the current month.


GET /api/mytenant/myorganization/maintenancemanagementcore/assets/GetAssetLocationChangesHistoriesByFilter?version=AAAA=&months=12&assetKey=A-0001

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