Step # 7 - Configure Maintenance Requests

Create an Issue

258 views 11 January, 2017 25 February, 2019 Valuekeep 0

Through issues, an organization’s employees can request maintenance actions on assets or locations. These maintenance requests, usually referred to as HelpDeskrequests, allow the maintenance teams to respond to different requests by creating Corrective work orders.

The issues report feature has two different views with different levels of information to be filled in, according to the user role. Among them there is the requesters view, where you just have to indicate the equipment or the location for which you are requesting the maintenance action and a brief description of the problem. There is also an approver view, meant for users, whose purpose is to analyze the requests sent to them. After an analysis, the user will decide whether to originate a work order.

Create issues – Requester

  1. Access Maintenance Requests | Issues;
  2. Open the list and press the “Create new record” button (at the top of the issues list).
  3. Describe the issue;
  4. Indicate the Asset/Location or Asset Route/Location Route the issue refers to;
  5. Indicate a priority level;
  6. Press the Create button.

Create issues – Approver

  1. Access Maintenance Requests | Issues;
  2. Open the list and press the “Create new record” button (at the top of the issues list).
  3. Describe the issue;
  4. Indicate the Asset/Location or Asset Route/Location Route the issue refers to;
  5. Indicate the Approver Priority Level, which can be different from the priority level indicated by the requester. It will be the approver priority level which will determine the time for responding to the issue;
  6. Indicate a Maintenance Plan. If you do not indicate a maintenance plan, then the Work Order will be created without an associated plan;
  7. Press the Create button.

If the selected issue type is configured for creating a WO automatically, the Priority level (Approver), WO Type and Work Center fields will be filled automatically with the details from the issue type. If the user does not only have the Requester profile, whenever you change the type of issue, a message is displayed asking whether you want to overwrite the current values with the instance type defaults.

The location cost center, asset or selected route are suggested automatically. You can create an Issue without assigning an Asset, Location or Route if you save it as a draft. However, you must specify the Asset/Location or Asset/Location Route when the issue is approved.

The Parent Location field displays the Location, Asset’s location or Route. You can only select assets or locations from the access level associated with the employee. If you select a work center, you will only be able to select assets or locations associated with that work center.

If there is a default Work Order Type, it will be suggested automatically, along with the maintenance plan set by default for that type. The default Work Center field is suggested and the Person in Charge field is automatically filled in with the first Person in Charge of that Work Center. The Remarks field can be filled in during any issue state.
The Remarks field can be filled in during any issue state.
Some of the required fields are automatically filled in by the system, in case there is a default record associated with the entity (e.g. Priority Level). If an issue is in the “Pending” state, it can only be deleted by the user who created it.
If the Work Center is filled in, only one Person in Charge can approve the Work Order.

Available states

Table with all default Issue states:

Natural Key Description
001.ISSUE Waiting for Approval
002.ISSUE Approved
003.ISSUE Canceled
004.ISSUE Closed
005.ISSUE Executed
006.ISSUE In Progress
007.ISSUE Suspended
008.ISSUE Pending

Table with all default state transitions for an Issue:

Current State Next State
Suspended In Progress
Suspended Canceled
Executed Closed
Executed In Progress
In Progress Executed
In Progress Suspended
Approved In Progress
Approved Canceled
Pending Waiting for Approval
Waiting for Approval Pending
Waiting for Approval Approved
Waiting for Approval Canceled
Waiting for Approval In Progress

How to associate a contract with an issue?

It is possible to associate contracts with an occurrence to add a number of business validations.

To associate a customer or supplier contract follow these steps:

  1. Select an asset, location or route;
  2. Select a customer/supplier;
  3. Select a customer/supplier contract.


To associate a warranty contract, follow these steps:

  1. Select an asset, location or route;
  2. Select a warranty contract.


  • The issue’s asset or location must be covered by the selected contract or contracts;
  • The asset route’s assets or locations must be covered by the selected contract or contracts;
  • If the selected contract or contracts have one or more associated maintenance plans, the issue’s maintenance plans must be covered by the selected contract or contracts.


When a work order is created through an issue, the contract transitions to the work order.

How to activate the warranty contracts on issues?

When creating an issues for an asset or location, the warranty contract setup on the file is suggested, in case it is in the “Approved” state. It is possible to select another warranty contract.

How to change an issue's state transition and creation dates?

You can change an issue’s state transition and creation dates. This option is only available for users with and Administrator profile.

To change the state transition and creation date:

  1. Log in with an Administrator user profile;
  2. Create or edit the issue;
  3. Change the issue’s date;
  4. Open the State Transitions tab and click the Load State Transitions link;
  5. Change the transition dates;
  6. Save.

If the Issue originated a WO, changing dates follows these rules:

  1. The transition date when the WO changed to closed is updated according to the new date when the Issue changed to closed.
The dates specified must always be previous to the current date. A transition date cannot be before previous transition dates or the issue’s creation date.

How to place an asset or a location in the Up state from an issue?

If the asset or location has a down state record when the Issue is closed (state changed from Executed to Closed), the system asks the user if he wants to put the asset or the location in the Up state once again.

Valuekeep has a service that automatically places assets or locations in the Up state if there is a Down state record in the system without end date associated with the asset or the location, generated by an Issue which is now in the closed state.

How to create a work order from an issue?

Creating Work Orders from Issues is only available for users with an approver role.

When you change an issue into a state that generates a work order, a screen is displayed for users to select in which state they want to create the WO. You can configure in which issue states it is possible to create WO.

In the case of creating Work Orders, it is also possible to specify one or more Maintenance Plans. If no Maintenance Plan is specified, the Work Order is created without a Plan. In this case, the maintenance technician may associate one when he performs the job.

If you wish to print the work order generated from the issue’s approval, the “Report” and “Template” fields must be filled in.

Remarks and attachments added to the issue are copied to the work order as well as the cost center.

How is the expected end date of an issue calculated?

The expected end date of an issue is calculated taking into account the priority level assigned to it and the calendar and time schedule of the “Organization” type specified by default.

When there is no calendar or time schedule set by default, a calendar without inactivity days and a time schedule from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 is used.

The response time set in the priority level is always converted to minutes, regardless of the time unit selected, and, as such, setting a response time of 1 day, 24 hours or 1440 minutes is exactly the same thing.


Example 1:

Calendar, by default, only with inactivity day on Saturdays;

Time schedule, by default, with a start time at 00:00:00 and end time at 23:59:59, with a weekly event which takes place every Sunday from 00:00:00-22:00:00;

Priority level, by default, for all weekdays it is 3 days (4320 minutes) and for week-end days it is 4 days (5760 minutes).

Occurrence Date Expected End Date
09/10/2014 11:00:00 09/15/2014 09:00:00
09/14/2014 10:15:00 09/18/2014 22:00:00


Example 2:

Not having a calendar or a time schedule set by default;

Priority level, by default, for all weekdays it is 3 days (4320 minutes).

Occurrence Date Expected End Date
09/10/2014 11:00:00 10/13/2014 11:00:00

How to assign work order tasks from an issue?

When approving an issue with the “Generate and Open Work Order” option enabled, you can set work order task assignments for the WO generated by the issue. To set these assignments, follow these steps:

  1. Access the “Assignments” grid, located on the “Work Order” tab of the respective issue;
  2. Perform the assignments by selecting the Maintenance Plan, a Task, the Employee and, optionally, the Specialty;
  3. Create the WO for the issue with the “Work Order” link.

The specified assignments will be created, and you can view them by accessing All Tasks Menu | Work Orders | Assignments of the Work Order.

If you wish to assign all tasks of a maintenance plan to an employee, leave the “Task” field empty and an assignment will be automatically generated for all tasks of that maintenance plan. If you wish to assign to an employee all tasks from all of an issue’s maintenance plans, only fill in the “Employee” field, and optionally, the “Specialty” field and the WO assignments will be automatically generated.

How to report the down time of an asset or location from an issue?

To place an asset or location in the Down state when reporting an issue, you need to associate it with an operating state where the “Is Down State” property is set to true. The down time report is created when the issue is changed into a state that starts down time or when the field is filled in with a down time operating state if the issue is already in that state.

To create an operating state that records the Down state, follow these steps:

  1. Access All Tasks Menu | Assets | Configurations | Operating Conditions. The list of operating conditions will be displayed;
  2. To create a new operating condition, press the “Create new record” (at the top of the operating condition list). A new tab named “Create Operating Condition” will be opened in the work area;
  3. Enter a code and a description;
  4. Select the “Is Down State” option;
  5. Press the Create button.


Each Issue with a down time operating state will originate a record of down time history. The time total as well as the asset’s or location’s up state are updated as each of the down time records is closed.

The down time operating state can only be changed if there are no open down time history records for the issue.

How to record an issue as a draft?

The draft mode allows for an entity to be continuously edited, until it is read to be submitted for approval. The creation and the life cycle of an entity in the draft mode is as follows:

  1. Select the option to create an issue;
  2. Fill in the required entity fields at least;
  3. Click the “Save as Draft” link;
  4. Open the entity’s list and select Options | Show only drafts;
  5. Edit the entity created in draft mode;
  6. Perform the changes needed and save as often as necessary;
  7. When the entity is ready to be submitted for approval, change the state to “Waiting for Approval“.
In order to make editing simpler, not all validation rules are applied in draft mode. When it is placed in the “Waiting for Approval” state, all conditions necessary for the entity are checked.

How to view the state transition dates of an Issue?

From the Issue editing screen you can see the list of its state transitions. To do this, access the State Transitions tab.

Here you can see the following data:

  • Previous state: the original state of the Issue;
  • New state: the state into which the Issue transitioned;
  • Date:  the date when the transition occurred;
  • Justification: the reason for the transition;
  • Created By: the user who changed the state of the Issue.

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