Step #6 – Plan your Preventive Maintenance

Create Preventive Maintenance

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Preventive maintenance specifies a set of maintenance actions to be performed based on a fixed recurrence or on meter values.
The option of creating preventive maintenances is available under All Tasks Menu | Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance. The list of preventive maintenances will be displayed;

  1. Press the “Create new record” button which is displayed above the preventive maintenances list. A new tab named “Create Preventive Maintenance” will be opened in the work area;
  2. Fill in the description and select the work center;
  3. Select one of the following entities: location, asset, location route or asset route;
  4. Select the type of work order to be created and the priority level;
  5. Select the scheduling type
  6. Set the date up to which the preventive maintenance occurrences will be created, or, otherwise, the number of days;
  7. Select the WO state if you want the work orders to be automatically opened on the day of the preventive maintenance event in the selected state; You can only select states configured for allowing creation based on events;
  8. Enable the “Join plans” option if you want the events of this preventive maintenance that occur on the same day to generate only one WO with the combination of all of the event’s maintenance plans and tasks;
  9. Select the associated entities: person in charge, supplier and customer;
  10. Set the scheduling criteria by calendar
  11. Set the scheduling criteria by time schedule

To associate maintenance plans with the preventive maintenance, follow these steps:

  1. In the Maintenance Plans tab, add a row by right clicking;
  2. Select a maintenance plan in the Approved state;
  3. Set the delay and advance tolerance (value in days);
  4. If applicable, select an operating state;
  5. Set the scheduling criteria of this plan’s occurrences:
    1. By recurrence: click the “Edit” link of the recurrence and set periodicity of occurrence of the preventive maintenance occurrences;
    2. By meter: click the link “Edit” of the meter, select the meter and the meter’s value interval of the meter at the end of which the preventive maintenance should take place. You may select the meter value from which occurrences scheduling will be made.
    3. Replacement: click the replacement “Edit” link, select the main plan and set after how many occurrences this plan will replace the main plan.
It is possible to set criteria for scheduling preventive maintenance events that combine recurrence and meter values. To check the expected result of the preventive maintenance events, click the “Preview Events” link on the preventive maintenance file. It is possible to preview when creating or editing a preventive maintenance in the Pending or Waiting for Approval state. The location cost center, asset or selected route are suggested automatically. When you select the Work Center field, the Person in Charge field is automatically filled in with the Work Center’s first Person in Charge.

The preventive maintenance’s code is a structured field which can be configured by the end user through the Sequences entity.

The Parent Location field displays the Location, Asset’s location or Route. You can only select assets or locations from the access level associated with the employee. When you select a work center, you will only be able to select assets or locations associated with that work center.

Only the person in charge of the preventive maintenance’s Work Center can change it.

Available states

Table with all preventive maintenance states:

Natural Key Description
001.PREVENTIVEMAINTENANCE Waiting for Approval



Table with all possible state transitions for a preventive maintenance:
Current State Next State
Pending Waiting for Approval
Waiting for Approval Approved
Waiting for Approval Canceled
Approved Canceled
Approved Replaced
Approved Closed

How to record a preventive maintenance as a draft?

The draft mode allows for an entity to be continuously edited, until it is read to be submitted for approval. The creation and the life cycle of an entity in the draft mode is as follows:

  1. Select the option to create a preventive maintenance;
  2. Fill in the required entity fields at least;
  3. Click the “Save as Draft” link;
  4. Open the entity’s list and select Options | Show only drafts;
  5. Edit the entity created in draft mode;
  6. Perform the changes needed and save as often as necessary;
  7. When the entity is ready to be submitted for approval, change the state to “Waiting for Approval“.
In order to make editing simpler, not all validation rules are applied in draft mode. When it is placed in the “Waiting for Approval” state, all conditions necessary for the entity are checked.

How to Create a New Version of the Preventive Maintenance?

The creation of new versions allows for improving a preventive maintenance by reusing the current configuration. To create a new version, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Preventive Maintenances list under All Tasks Menu | Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance. The list of preventive maintenances will be displayed;
  2. Select a preventive maintenance in the Approved state and press the “Edit current record” button. A new tab with information on the selected Preventive Maintenance will be opened.
  3. Click the “New Version” link. The new version of the preventive maintenance is created in the “Pending” state and in draft mode;
  4. On the list, select “Options | Show only drafts” to view the new version record;
  5. Edit the preventive maintenance;
  6. Make the necessary changes and, when ready, change the state to “Waiting for Approval”.
When the new version of the preventive maintenance changes to the “Approved” state, the previous version changes to the “Replaced” state.

How to Associate Safety Information?

To associate safety information with an entity:

  1. Create or edit an entity with a Safety configuration;
  2. Select the Safety tab;
  3. Add a new row to the Hazards grid;
  4. Confirm the changes to the file.

When selecting one of the hazards on the grid, the precautions and associated materials are displayed.

The entities that can have a safety configuration are the locations, assets, tasks, maintenance plans and work orders.

How to associate a contract with a preventive maintenance?

It is possible to associate contracts with a preventive maintenance to add a number of business validations.

To associate a customer or supplier contract follow these steps:

  1. Select an asset, location or route;
  2. Select a customer/supplier;
  3. Select a customer/supplier contract.

To associate a warranty contract, follow these steps:

  1. Select an asset, location or route;
  2. Select a warranty contract.
  • The preventive maintenance’s asset or location must be covered by the selected contract or contracts;
  • The asset route’s assets or locations must be covered by the selected contract or contracts;
  • If the selected contract or contracts have one or more associated maintenance plans, the preventive maintenance’s maintenance plans must be covered by the selected contract or contracts.
When a work order is created through preventive maintenance, the preventive maintenance contract or contracts transition to the work order.

Rules for joining preventive maintenance plans

When the “Join Plans” option of a preventive maintenance is enabled, joining plans when creating or opening a Work Order (WO) follows the rules below:

  1. The WO created has all preventive occurrence plans associated with expected date for the same day;
  2. The WO creation follows the same precedence rules:
    – WOs can only be created or opened if there is no previous occurrence without an associated WO;
    – This validation is applied to occurrences of the same plan, if the plan is independent (that is to say, without replacements);
    – If the plan has replacements, the validation is applied to any previous occurrence of the main plan, or any replacement.
  3. The same WO is associated with all preventive maintenance occurrences for that day;
  4. For the same day, if an occurrence allows for creating and the other does not, the WO is created only for the occurrence that allows it and is associated only with it:
    – Example: on 10/02, for the same preventive maintenance, there are 3 occurrences (Plan 1) and 4 (Plan 2). Occurrence 1 (Plan 1) has an open WO, but occurrence 2 (Plan 2) does not. When creating the WO for the occurrences of 10/02, a WO is created with Plan 1 and associated with occurrence 3. Occurrence 4 will be pending until a WO for occurrence 2 is created.


The same rules apply to manual or automatic opening or creation. That is to say, by the WOs Explorer, opening preventive maintenance occurrences in batch, or by the occurrence recalculation service.

Scheduling rules

The preventive maintenance allows for setting scheduling rules based on the preventive work orders. The possible criteria which apply to all maintenance plans are:

  • Fixed: in this case, the occurrences are always created on the date and time calculated according to the scheduling;
  • Opening WO or Closing WO: the date of later occurrences is affected by the opening or closing date of the WO associated with the base occurrence. The following occurrences can be delayed or advanced taking into account the application of recurrence to the base occurrence date.

When scheduling by opening or closing, the changing the expected date is affected by the tolerance and advance setting for each plan. If the difference in days (absolute value) between the expected date of the base occurrence and the opening or closing of the WO is less than or equal to the tolerance set, the expected date of later occurrences is not changed.
All recalculated occurrences which have an expected date before the current date without a work order can be considered delayed if a condition is true. That condition is if the expected date of the occurrence is before the date which results from subtracting the delay tolerance from the current date.


Example 1 – Opening WO: Weekly preventive maintenance with the “Opening WO” scheduling criterion. Plan’s delay tolerance of 1 day.

Occurrence Expected Date Work Order Opening Date New Date
1 03/10/2014 WO0001 03/12/2014
2 03/17/2014 03/19/2014
3 03/24/2014 03/26/2014
4 03/31/2014 04/02/2014

The 2 day opening delay postpones the new occurrence to the week after the WO opening date.

Example 2 – Closing the WO: Weekly preventive maintenance with the “Closing WO” scheduling criterion. Plan’s advance tolerance of 1 day.

Occurrence Expected Date Work Order Opening Date New Date
1 03/10/2014 WO0001 03/08/2014
2 03/17/2014 03/15/2014
3 03/24/2014 03/22/2014
4 03/31/2014 03/29/2014

The 2 day closing advance postpones the new occurrence to the week after the WO closing date.

Example 3 – Delayed Occurrences: Plan’s delay tolerance of 1 day and current date of 03/12/2014.

Occurrence Expected Date Work Order Is Delayed?
1 03/10/2014 No Yes
2 03/17/2014 No No
3 03/24/2014 No No
4 03/31/2014 No No
When scheduling by opening, the WO for the occurrence is only opened if the previous occurrence has already been opened;
When scheduling by closing, the WO for the occurrence is only opened if the previous WO has already been executed.

Calendar and time schedule rules

The preventive maintenance allows for setting criteria for the calendar and the time schedule to be used in the calculation of preventive maintenance occurrences. See the related article on the creation of preventive maintenances for the criteria used to set and obtain the calendar and the time schedule.

To determine the calendar and time schedule rules, there are two main cases:

  • Calendar and Time Schedule set with the None value: in this case, the occurrences are always created on the date and time calculated according to the scheduling;
  • Specific Calendar and Time Schedule: after obtaining the calendar and the time schedule set in the preventive maintenance, the availability is applied to each occurrence.

The application of the calendar and time schedule availability follows these rules:

  • It is only possible to create preventive maintenance occurrences in availability periods;
  • In case an occurrence has a date without an availability period, the former is postponed to the next availability period, on the same day;
  • If there is no availability period on the same day, the occurrence is postponed to the closest following day which has availability periods. According to these rules:
    • If there is an availability period on that day which includes the time expected for the occurrence, the latter is placed on that day at the expected time;
    • Otherwise, the occurrence is placed at the start of the first availability period of that day.
    • In case it is not possible to find a day in the future with availability periods, or if there already is another occurrence of the same plan on that day, the occurrence is deleted.


Example 1 – Daily maintenance: Preventive Maintenance created on 04/30/2014 and with a projection end date on 05/30/2014, with a maintenance plan with a recurrence starting on 04/30/2014 and daily frequency at 9 a.m.
Calendar with inactivity days on Saturday and Sunday and National Holiday on the 05/01/2014. Time Schedule from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Occurrence Expected Date
1 04/30/2014 9:00:00 a.m.
2 05/02/2014 9:00:00 a.m.
3 05/05/2014 9:00:00 a.m.
4 05/06/2014 9:00:00 a.m.

The occurrences on the holiday and on the week-end were deleted.

Example 2 – Weekly maintenance: Preventive Maintenance created on 04/30/2014 and with a projection end date on 05/30/2014, with a maintenance plan with a recurrence starting on 04/30/2014, weekly frequency on Thursdays and daily frequency at 9 a.m.
Calendar with inactivity days on Saturday and Sunday and National Holiday on the 05/01/2014. Time Schedule from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Occurrence Expected Date
1 05/02/2014 9:00:00 a.m.
2 05/08/2014 9:00:00 a.m.
3 05/15/2014 9:00:00 a.m.
4 05/22/2014 9:00:00 a.m.
5 05/29/2014 9:00:00 a.m.

The Thursday occurrence, of the 1st of May was postponed to Friday, the 2nd of May.

Replacement rules

In some maintenance scenarios, a main plan is set with a group of subordinated plans which replace it after a given number of occurrences. This definition affects the scheduling of preventive maintenance occurrences.


Example 1 – Maintenance by meter with replacement, cyclic criterion:

Preventive maintenance created on 09/07/2015 and with an expected end date on 11/30/2015, with the following maintenance plans:

Maintenance Plan Meter Range Main Plan Issues
PM00001 CST-001 500
PM00002 PM00001 3

The meter has a daily average of 50. At every third occurrence, the main plan is replaced.

Occurrence Maintenance Plan Expected Date Value
1 PM00001 09/17/2015 500
2 PM00001 09/27/2015 1000
3 PM00002 10/07/2015 1500
4 PM00001 10/17/2015 2000
5 PM00001 10/27/2015 2500
6 PM00002 11/06/2015 3000

Example 2 – Maintenance by meter with several replacement plans, cyclic criterion:

Preventive maintenance created on 09/07/2015 and with an expected end date on 11/30/2015, with the following maintenance plans:

Maintenance Plan

Meter Range Main Plan Issues
PM00001 CST-0001 500
PM00002 PM00001 3
PM00003 PM00001 4

The meter has a daily average of 50. At every third and fourth occurrence the main plan is replaced, and the cycle restarts.

Occurrence Maintenance Plan Expected Date Value
1 PM00001 09/17/2015 500
2 PM00001 09/27/2015 1000
3 PM00002 10/07/2015 1500
4 PM00003 10/17/2015 2000
5 PM00001 10/27/2015 2500
6 PM00001 11/06/2015 3000
7 PM00002 11/16/2015 3500
8 PM00003 11/26/2015 4000

Example 3 – Maintenance by recurrence with several replacement plans, multiplier criterion:

Preventive maintenance created on 09/07/2015 and with an expected end date on 12/31/2016, with the following maintenance plans:

Maintenance Plan Recurrence Main Plan Issues
PM00001 Every month, on the 27th at 09:00
PM00003 PM00001 3
PM00012 PM00001 12
Occurrence Maintenance Plan Expected Date
1 PM00001 09/27/2015 9:00 AM
2 PM00001 10/27/2015 9:00 AM
3 PM00003 11/27/2015 9:00 AM
4 PM00001 12/27/2015 9:00 AM
5 PM00001 01/27/2016 9:00 AM
6 PM00003 02/27/2016 9:00 AM
7 PM00001 03/27/2016 9:00 AM
8 PM00001 04/27/2016 9:00 AM
9 PM00003 05/27/2016 9:00 AM
10 PM00001 06/27/2016 9:00 AM
11 PM00001 07/27/2016 9:00 AM
12 PM00012 08/27/2016 9:00 AM

The main difference of this criterion for the cyclic one, is that, in this case, it would replace the plan after 3 occurrences by PM00003 and only after 12 occurrences would it replace the plan by PM00012. In this case, since the criterion is multiplier, at every 3 occurrences (3, 6, 9, …) it replaces by plan PM00003 and every 12 by PM00012 (12, 24, 48, …).

Example 4 – Maintenance by recurrence with replacement plan, multiplier criterion and initial occurrence:

Preventive maintenance created on 09/07/2015 and with an expected end date on 12/31/2016, with the following maintenance plans:

Maintenance Plan Recurrence Main Plan Issues Starts on
PM00001 Every month, on the 27th at 09:00 2
PM00006 PM00001 6
Occurrence Maintenance Plan Expected Date
1 PM00001 09/27/2015 9:00 AM
2 PM00006 10/27/2015 9:00 AM
3 PM00001 11/27/2015 9:00 AM
4 PM00001 12/27/2015 9:00 AM
5 PM00001 01/27/2016 9:00 AM
6 PM00001 02/27/2016 9:00 AM
7 PM00001 03/27/2016 9:00 AM
8 PM00006 04/27/2016 9:00 AM
9 PM00001 05/27/2016 9:00 AM
10 PM00001 06/27/2016 9:00 AM
11 PM00001 07/27/2016 9:00 AM
12 PM00001 08/27/2016 9:00 AM

In this case, the first replacement occurrence will occur on Monday, not Friday. That is to say, replacements are advanced compared to the normal plan.

How to schedule the execution of maintenance plans?

Each maintenance plan of the preventive maintenance has a scheduling configuration. Scheduling can be setup to use:

  • Recurrence;
  • Meter;
  • Recurrence and meter.


The scheduling by each plan’s recurrence supports three configuration types: daily, weekly and monthly. It is possible to set:

  • Recurrence Range: sets the recurrence start and end dates;
  • Daily Frequency: at what time should the preventive maintenance take place;
  • Frequency: allows for setting the preventive maintenance to occur every x days, weeks or months. In the case of the weekly and monthly recurrences, it is possible to perform some additional configurations.
    • Weekly: allows for setting one or more week days in which the maintenance should take place;
    • Monthly: allows for setting a day of the month or a rule for the day when the preventive maintenance should take place.


Example 1 – Simple daily maintenance: Preventive Maintenance created on 03/10/2014 and with a projection end date on 03/31/2014, with a maintenance plan with a recurrence starting on 03/10/2014 and daily frequency at 9 a.m.


Occurrence Expected Date
1 03/10/2014 9:00:00
2 03/11/2014 9:00:00
21 03/20/2014 9:00:00
22 03/31/2014 9:00:00

Example 2 – Simple weekly maintenance: Preventive Maintenance created on 03/10/2014 and with a projection end date on 03/31/2014, with a maintenance plan with a recurrence starting on 03/10/2014, weekly recurrence on Tuesdays and Thursdays and daily frequency at 9 a.m.

Occurrence Expected Date
1 03/11/2014 9:00:00
2 03/13/2014 9:00:00
5 03/25/2014 9:00:00
6 03/27/2014 9:00:00

Example 3 – Simple monthly maintenance: Preventive Maintenance created on 03/10/2014 and with a projection end date on 12/31/2014, with a maintenance plan with a recurrence starting on 03/10/2014, monthly frequency on the 15th and daily frequency at 9 a.m.

Occurrence Expected Date
1 03/15/2014 9:00:00
2 04/15/2014 9:00:00
9 11/15/2014 9:00:00
10 12/15/2014 9:00:00


In the preventive maintenances for assets or locations, it is possible to set the plan scheduling by meter. To that end, select an asset meter, or a location meter and a value interval at the end of which the preventive maintenance should be performed.


Example 1 – Maintenance by meter: Preventive Maintenance created on 03/07/2014 and with a projection end date on 04/30/2014, with a maintenance plan with a meter whose value interval is 500. The meter currently has a daily average of 50.

Occurrence Expected Date Value
1 03/17/2014 500
2 03/27/2014 1000
3 04/06/2014 1500
4 04/16/2014 2000
5 04/26/2014 2500

Example 1 – Maintenance by meter with initial value: Preventive Maintenance created on 03/07/2014 and with a projection end date on 04/30/2014, with a maintenance plan with a meter whose value interval is 500 and initial value is 1200. The meter currently has a daily average of 50 and a value of 800.

Occurrence Expected Date Value
1 03/21/2014 1500
2 03/31/2014 2000
3 04/10/2014 2500
4 04/20/2014 3000
5 04/30/2014 3500

Since maintenance begins in 1200, the first intervention occurs on the meter value of 1500. Since the meter has value 800, and considering the average, it will take 14 days to reach this value. From this occurrence on, maintenance is performed every 10 days.

Recurrence and Meter

The scheduling can be set as a combination of the two above mentioned types.


Example 1 – Monthly maintenance by meter: Preventive Maintenance created on 03/10/2014 and with a projection end date on 04/30/2014, with a maintenance plan with a recurrence starting on 03/10/2014, monthly recurrence on the 15th and daily recurrence at 9 a.m. The same plan has a meter set with a value interval of 500 and a daily average of 50.

Occurrence Expected Date Value
1 03/15/2014 9:00:00
2 03/25/2014 500
3 04/04/2014 1000
4 04/14/2014 1500
5 04/24/2014 2000

The first maintenance is performed on the expected date set by the recurrence since it takes place first. After that maintenance is performed, the meter reaches the maintenance interval of every 10 days, which is more frequent than the monthly maintenance obtained through the recurrence.

Preventive maintenance event calculation interval

Each plan is recalculated individually. The first question that arises is: when does event calculation end and start for each preventive maintenance plan?

  • Recurrence scheduling
    • Starts on the recurrence start date;
    • Ends:
      • On the preventive maintenance’s end date if the recurrence does not have an end date or if this date is after the preventive maintenance’s end date;
      • On the recurrence’s end date if this date is before the preventive maintenance’s end date.
  • Scheduling by meter
    • Starts on the preventive maintenance’s creation date;
    • Ends on the preventive maintenance’s end date.

Another aspect to take into account in the recalculation is the notion of Base Event. This event is the most recent one with a work order already created. In case there are two events that meet these conditions with the same date, the one with the higher event number is the one used. Only events after the base event are recalculated, the current and all the previous ones are not changed in the recalculation process.


Example 1 – Preventive Maintenance created on 03/07/2014 with an end date on 03/31/2014, with a maintenance plan with recurrence starting on 03/10/2014.

  • Starts on: 03/10/2014
  • Ends on: 03/31/2014

Example 2 – Preventive Maintenance created on 03/07/2014 with an end date on 03/31/2014, with a maintenance plan with recurrence starting on 03/10/2014 and ending on 03/20/2014.

  • Starts on: 03/10/2014
  • Ends on: 03/20/2014

Example 3 – Preventive Maintenance created on 03/07/2014 with an end date on 03/31/2014, with a maintenance plan associated with a meter.

  • Starts on: 03/07/2014
  • Ends on: 03/31/2014

Example 4 – Consider the following event table:

Event Expected Date Work Order
1 03/10/2014 WO0001
2 03/11/2014 WO0002
3 03/12/2014
4 03/13/2014

The base event is event number 2 (03/11/2014).

Set the Preventive Maintenance's time zone

Preventive Maintenance allows you to set the time zone in which events must occur. This way you can locally setup events that must occur on the day and at the time of the place where the work will be performed.

When you create a preventive maintenance, the default value setup in maintenance configuration is suggested. You can use this value and select one of the time zones available in the system. The event preview displays events that use the date and time of the selected time zone. After being approved, the recalculation of events will always be done using this time zone.

If necessary, you can change the time zone of a preventive maintenance by creating a new version.


You can also set the time zone when you are loading preventive maintenances in batch. If you do not enter it in the import file, the default value will be used.
The selected time zone can include daylight savings time adjustments. For example, the time difference between the United Kingdom and Portugal and the universal time is 0 between October and March and +1 between March and October.

Automatic processes

The recalculation of preventive maintenance events performs automatic processes, such as:

  • Automatic association with Shutdowns;
  • Automatic opening of Work Orders;
  • Automatic closing of Preventive Maintenances.


Automatic association with Shutdowns

An assets or locations shutdown can be configured with an upper and a lower interval, and all the preventive maintenance events expected within these intervals are automatically associated with the shutdown. These are the automatic association rules for the events recalculation process:

  • Shutdowns in the “Approved” state and with an upper or lower limit setting can be automatically associated with events;
  • All events whose expected date is between the lower limit and the shutdown start date are associated with the shutdown;
  • All events whose expected date is between the end date and the upper limit are associated with the shutdown;
  • The event date is changed to the first day of the shutdown which includes the expected time. If the shutdown starts or ends before the expected time, the event is placed on the next day, in the case of the lower interval, and in the previous day in the case of the upper interval.


Automatic opening of Work Orders

If a WO state is selected in preventive maintenance, work orders are created for all events with an expected date on the day the recalculation is made. The work order state is changed to Selected. The preventive maintenance cost center is copied to the work order. If the “Join Plans” option is enabled for the preventive maintenance, only one WO is created with all maintenance plans for the events with expected date for the same day.


Automatic closing of Preventive Maintenances

The recalculation process automatically closes the preventive maintenances which are no longer being used. The criteria for determining if the preventive maintenance is no longer being used are the following:

  • Is in the “Approved” state;
  • The projection end date is before the current date;
  • There are no pending events, which means all events already have an work order associated.

In case these criteria are true, the preventive maintenance is put in the “Closed” state.

Forcing the recalculation of a preventive maintenance

The “Reschedule” option available on the Preventive Maintenance file allows you to force the recalculation of a preventive maintenance. After selecting this option, validate the outcome using the information fields on the last scheduling of preventive maintenance or the events list.

This option is only available for preventive maintenances in the “Approved” state.

Validating that a preventive maintenance recalculation was executed

The following fields can be added to the preventive maintenance list:

  • Result of Last Scheduling
  • Date of Last Scheduling
  • Log of Last Scheduling

With these fields you can check if the events recalculation was executed without errors for a preventive maintenance. The automatic recalculation process updates these values whenever it is executed.

Notification Rules

After the recalculation of events, notifications are sent for the preventive maintenance events matching all the following rules:

  1. Events with a maintenance plan for which the notification is specified;
  2. Active events for which no notification has been sent;
  3. Among these events, only those where the expected date is between today and the number of days specified in the plan

Afterwards, the event’s Notification Sent field is activated to stop the notification from being sent again.

Example: if the plan is setup with 3 days for notifications and today is 08/22, pending notifications will be sent for the events between 08/22 at 00:00:00 and 08/24 at 23:59:59. Since the service runs every day, and if there are no errors with sending it, only the notification for events with an expected date on 08/24 is sent, because notifications for the previous days have already been sent.

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