Work Report

Create a Work Order

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The Work Order (WO) is the entity that represents the maintenance job to be performed and which asset, location or route it refers to.

This feature has two different views with different information levels to be filled in, according to the user role.

The option of creating Work Orders is available under: All Tasks Menu | Work Orders | Work Orders.

  1. The list of work orders will be displayed.
  2. To create a new WO, press the “Create new record” (which is on the upper part of the work orders list). A new tab named “Create Work Order” will be opened in the work area;
  3. Enter the work order’s description;
  4. Select the type;
  5. Associate it with one of the following entities: location, asset, location route or asset route;
  6. Set who is in charge of the WO: work center and employee in charge of the WO;
  7. Select the priority level and the operating condition;
  8. Select the associated entities: customer and supplier;
  9. Select the associated contracts: customer, supplier and warranty.

The work order (WO) must have one or more maintenance plans associated. To add plans to the WO, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Maintenance Plan tab;
  2. Click the “Import Maintenance Plans” link. All maintenance plans in the Approved state are listed;
  3. Select a plan and press the “Insert” key or touch the “Select” button;
  4. Press the “Create” button.
You can remove tasks from the imported maintenance plan or remove plans form the WO. To that end, use the context options of the grid or the “Ctrl+-” shortcut. The location cost center, asset or selected route are suggested automatically. You can create a WO without assets, locations or routes if you create it as a draft.

The Parent Location field displays the Location, Asset’s location or Route. You can only select assets or locations from the access level associated with the employee. If you select a work center, you will only be able to select assets or locations associated with that work center.

 If the type of WO has a default Maintenance Plan selected, it will be imported automatically. For more information on this subject, read article “Work Order Types”. 

The failure code is a structured field that can be configured by the end user through the Sequences entity.

If the Work Center is specified, only a person in charge of the Work Center can approve the WO.


Table with default Work Order states available:

Natural Key Description
001.WORKORDER Waiting for Approval
002.WORKORDER Pending
003.WORKORDER Approved
004.WORKORDER In Progress
005.WORKORDER Canceled
006.WORKORDER Closed
007.WORKORDER Executed
008.WORKORDER Suspended

Table with all possible default state transitions available for a Work Order:

Current State Next State
Pending Waiting for Approval
Waiting for Approval Approval
Approved Canceled
Approved In Progress
In Progress Suspended
In Progress Canceled
In Progress Closed
Canceled In Progress
Suspended In Progress
Suspended Canceled
Executed Closed
Executed In Progress

How to record a work order as a draft?

Draft mode allows you to continuously edit an entity until it is read to advance in the maintenance process. The creation and the life cycle of an entity in the draft mode is as follows:

  1. Select the option to create a work order;
  2. Fill in the required entity fields at least;
  3. Click the “Save as Draft” link;
  4. Open the entity’s list and select Options | Show only drafts;
  5. Edit the entity created in draft mode;
  6. Perform the changes needed and save as often as necessary;
  7. When the entity is ready to proceed, change the WO state.
In order to make editing simpler, not all validation rules are applied in draft mode. When it is placed in the following state, all conditions necessary for the entity are checked.

How is the expected end date of a work order calculated?

The expected end date of a work order is calculated taking into account the priority level assigned to it and the calendar and time schedule of the “Organization” type specified by default.

When there is no calendar or time schedule set by default, a calendar without inactivity days and a time schedule from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 is used.

The response time set in the priority level is always converted to minutes, regardless of the time unit selected, and, as such, setting a response time of 1 day, 24 hours or 1440 minutes is exactly the same thing.


Example 1:

Calendar, by default, only with inactivity day on Saturdays;

Time schedule, by default, with a start time at 00:00:00 and end time at 23:59:59, with a weekly event which takes place every Sunday from 00:00:00-22:00:00;

Priority level, by default, for all weekdays it is 3 days (4320 minutes) and for week-end days it is 4 days (5760 minutes).

Work Order Date Expected End Date
09/10/2014 11:00:00 09/15/2014 09:00:00
09/14/2014 10:15:00 09/18/2014 22:00:00

Example 2:

Not having a calendar or a time schedule set by default;

Priority level, by default, for all weekdays it is 3 days (4320 minutes).

Work Order Date Expected End Date
09/10/2014 11:00:00 10/13/2014 11:00:00

How to report the down time of an asset or location from a WO?

To place an asset or location in the Down state when reporting a WO, you need to associate the event with an operating state where the “Is Down State” property is set to true. The down time report is created when the WO is changed into a state that starts down time or when the field is filled in with a down time operating state if the WO is already in that state.

To create an operating state that records the Down state, follow these steps:

  1. Access All Tasks Menu | Assets | Configurations | Operating Conditions. The list of operating conditions will be displayed;
  2. To create a new operating condition, press the “Create new record” (at the top of the operating condition list). A new tab named “Create Operating Condition” will be opened in the work area;
  3. Enter a code and a description;
  4. Select the “Is Down State” option;
  5. Press the Create button.
Each Issue or WO with a down time operating state will originate a record of down time history. The time total as well as the asset’s or location’s up state are updated as each of the down time records is closed.

The down time operating state can only be changed if there are no open down time history records for the WO.

How to associate a contract with a work orders?

It is possible to associate contracts with a work order to add some business validations.

To associate a customer or supplier contract follow these steps:

  1. Select an asset, location or route;
  2. Select a customer/supplier;
  3. Select a customer/supplier contract.

To associate a warranty contract, follow these steps:

  1. Select an asset, location or route;
  2. Select a warranty contract.
  • The work order’s asset or location must be covered by the selected contract or contracts;
  • The asset route’s assets or locations must be covered by the selected contract or contracts;
  • If the selected contract or contracts have one or more associated maintenance plans, the work order’s maintenance plans must be covered by the selected contract or contracts.


When a work order is created through preventive maintenance or an issue, the preventive maintenance contract or contracts transition to the work order.

How to create a work order for a preventive maintenance event?

To create a work order for a preventive maintenance event, use the work orders explorer:

  1. Select the preventive maintenance for the asset/location for which you want to create a preventive work order;
  2. Select the preventive maintenance event for which you want to create a preventive work order;
  3. From the context menu, select the “Creating Work Order” option;
  4. In the Work Order creation window, select the state in which to create the WO. The default state suggested is the one used in the event’s preventive maintenance;
  5. Press the Accept button.

When the preventive maintenance scheduling is not fixed, this rule is applied according to the type of scheduling:

  1. When scheduling by opening, we can only create the WO for the event if the previous one is already open;
  2. When scheduling by closing, we can only create the WO for the event if the previous one has already been performed.
The preventive maintenance cost center is copied to the work order.
The option to create the WO places it in the selected state automatically.

How to change the expected date of a work order?

The expected date of a Work Order represents the expected start date for the execution of the Work Order.

This date assumes different default values depending on the source of the Work Order. The expected date entered for Work Orders generated by preventive maintenance is the expected date for the preventive maintenance event. In any other situation, the expected date assumes the Work Order’s creation date value.

How to change the state and print work orders in batch?

Batch changes and printing of work orders was designed to allow you to simultaneously change the state and print a set of work orders (WOs).

To change the state of Work Orders in batch, follow these steps:

  1. Access the operation under All Tasks Menu | Work Orders | Utilities | Work Orders Batch Management;
  2. You are required to set the following filter:
  3. Optionally, you can set the following filters:
    Work center and date range – only work centers where the authenticated user is the person in charge are displayed;
    Location, asset or route;
  4. Click Apply. The grid is loaded with the WOs that correspond to the selected filters;
  5. Select the WOs whose state is to be changed;
  6. If you want to print, select the report and the printing template and activate the Print column for each WO whose state is to be changed;
  7. Click the “Change state” button and then click the desired state.


To print without changing the WO’s state, follow these steps:

  1. Access the operation under All Tasks Menu | Work Orders | Utilities | Work Orders Batch Management;
  2. You are required to set the following filter:
  3. Optionally, you can set the following filters:
    Work center and date range – only work centers where the authenticated user is the person in charge are displayed;
    Location, asset or route;
  4. Click Apply. The grid is loaded with the WOs that correspond to the selected filters.
  5. Select the report and the printing template;
  6. Select the WOs and activate the Print column for each WOs to be printed;
  7. Click the “Print” button.

If you selected at least one WO for printing, the report with the selected WOs will be displayed.

How to associate work orders with employees?

To associate work order tasks with employees and specialties, access All Tasks Menu | Work Orders | Work Order Assignment and follow these steps:


  • Fill in the adequate filters for the work order tasks to be associated:
    1. WO State – you can select the states configured for allowing assignment;
    2. Work order – you can select WOs in a specific state or from all states, if not specified;
    3. Work center;
    4. Date range;
    5. Specialty;
    6. Employee.
  • Click the “Apply” link. The assigned WO tasks are loaded, according to the selected filters;
  • You can assign employees and specialties using the following methods;
    1. Individually: Click the “Load Tasks” button. The grid is loaded with all the tasks from all the WO plans, according to the filters. Delete the rows to which you do not wish to assign employees or configure the employee or specialty assignment;
    2. By the Work Order: Click Add Row. Fill in the WO, employee and/or specialty. Assignment is performed for all tasks from all plans of the WO;
    3. By the Maintenance Plan: Click Add Row. Fill in the WO and Maintenance Plan, employee and/or specialty. Assignments are performed for all tasks from the WO plan;
  • When all the associations are done, press the “Accept” button.


When you click “Apply”, all changes made to assignments are lost.
When creating a work order, the labor association set in the maintenance plan tasks is copied. You can delete the suggested elements or add new ones through this option.

How to associate employees when creating or editing work orders?

To directly associate employees or specialties when creating or editing Work Orders (OT), follow these steps:

When creating the WO:

  1. Create a new WO;
  2. Select the “Create and Assign” option;
  3. In the pop-up window, assign the tasks and click Accept.

When editing the WO:

  1. Edit a WO;
  2. Select the “Assign” option;
  3. In the pop-up window, assign the tasks and click Accept.


The “Assign” option is only available for WOs in states configured to allow assignment.

How to activate the warranty contracts on work orders?

When creating a work order for an asset or location, the warranty contract setup on the file is suggested, in case it is in the “Approved” state. It is possible to select another warranty contract.

How to automatically assign tasks to the Person in Charge of the WO?

To automatically assign tasks to the Person in Charge of the Work Order, use the All Tasks Menu | Work Orders | Configurations | Work Order Types option.

  1. The list of maintenance plans will be displayed.
  2. Edit or create a Work Order Type with the Assign Tasks To WO Responsible option active.
  3. Use the All Tasks Menu | Work Orders | Work Orders option and select the “Insert” option from the list to create a new work order.
  4. On the Type field, select the previously created Work Order Type.
  5. When you are done filling in the remaining options, click “Create“.
Tasks are only automatically assigned to the Person in Charge of the WO if this person is an employee of the Work Center with which the tasks are associated.

How to change a work order’s state transition and creation dates?

You can change a work order’s state transition and creation dates. This option is only available for users with and Administrator profile.

To change the state transition and creation date:

  1. Log in with an Administrator user profile;
  2. Create or edit the WO;
  3. Change the WO’s date;
  4. Open the State Transitions tab and click the Load State Transitions link;
  5. Change the transition dates;
  6. Save.

If the WO was originated from an Issue, changing dates follows these rules:

  1. All the state transition dates for the Issue are updated according to the new WO dates;
  2. It is not possible to change the WO’s closing date. This date must be changed using the associated issue.
The dates specified must always be before the current date. A transition date cannot be before previous transition dates. If the WO was generated from a preventive maintenance event, the new WO date cannot be before the event date.

How to Associate Safety Information?

To associate safety information with an entity:

Create or edit an entity with a Safety configuration;
Select the Safety tab;
Add a new row to the Hazards grid;
Confirm the changes to the file.
When selecting one of the hazards on the grid, the precautions and associated materials are displayed.

The entities that can have a safety configuration are the locations, assets, tasks, maintenance plans and work orders.

How to place assets and locations as available before executing the WO?

WOs with operating conditions that require shutdowns will place the location and all associated elements (child locations and assets) as unavailable. If it becomes necessary to place an asset or location as available before closing the WO, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the WO;
  2. Click the “Down Time” link;
    1. All records of down time associated with the WO are displayed;
  3. Specify the down time start and end date or enable the “Selected” option to specify the current date as the end date;
  4. Optionally, enter your remarks;
  5. Click Accept.

The selected down time records are updated with the date specified, and if it is before the current time and there are no other down time records, the asset/location is placed as available.

After being executed, if you put the WO in a state that initiates shutdowns, new down time periods will be reported.

How to view the state transition dates of a WO?

From the WO editing screen you can see the list of its state transitions. To do this, access the State Transitions tab.

Here you can see the following data:

  • Previous state: the original state of the WO;
  • New state: the state into which the WO transitioned;
  • Date:  the date when the transition occurred;
  • Justification: the reason for the transition;
  • Created By: the user who changed the state of the WO.

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