Implementation Plan Overview

Create Structures

125 views 22 February, 2017 9 March, 2017 Valuekeep 0

Creating structures allows you to specify the hierarchical distribution of locations and assets. Locations and assets can be added to the structure by creating new branches and sub-branches, which can be of the Location or Asset types. Creating a structure

  1. Access the All Tasks Menu | Assets | Configurations | Structures;
  2. After opening the structures list, press the “Create new record” button;
  3. In the work area, a new tab will be opened named “Create structure“;
  4. Fill in the structure data;
  5. In the Branches tab you can specify all the structure branches you wish to create through the context menu on the root of the tree;
  6. Select “Create Branch” and then fill in all of that branch’s details and its type;
  7. The created branch is added to the structure. You can also create sub-branches for the created branches;
  8. Repeat the steps above until you create all the necessary structure branches and sub-branches;
  9. Press the “Create” button.

Example of the definition of a building structure Code – Description (branch type)

  • Structure: Company Name
    • SITE – Site (location)
      • BUILDING – Building (location)
        • FLOOR – Floor (location)
          • ZONE – Zone (location)
            • ROOM – Room or Area (location)
              • ROOM_EQUIP – Room Equipment (assets)
                • ROOM_COMP – Room Equipment Components (assets)
          • FLOOR_EQUIP – Floor Equipment (assets)
            • FLOOR_EQUIP_COMP – Floor Equipment Components (assets)
To update data for a branch select the “Update Branch” option from the structure’s context menu. 
Asset-type branches cannot be specified as the first level of a structure. Location-type branches cannot be specified as branches or sub-branches of an Asset-type branch.

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