Private Cloud

How to configure the Valuekeep Analytics reports? – Private Cloud

63 views 27 August, 2019 30 September, 2019 Valuekeep 0

To enable Valuekeep Analytics in a Private Cloud configuration follow these steps:

  1. Subscribe to Valuekeep Analytics directly from Valuekeep or through a Valuekeep partner. Valuekeep or the partner will send you a new license with the Valuekeep Analytics subscription;
  2. Update your Valuekeep license in the “Valuekeep Instance Manager”;
  3. From the “Valuekeep Instance Manager”, select the “Configure Valuekeep Analytics” option. On the screen select the “Enable Valuekeep Analytics” option;

To configure the Valuekeep Analytics reports follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Power BI Desktop [];

To purchase the add-ons, on-premises customers must request the latest Power BI files from Valuekeep or speak directly with their partner. Partners have accesso to the VK Analytics modules.

  1. Download the Valuekeep Analytics add-ons to get reports. To do that follow these steps:
    • Access and login on the Valuekeep website (;
    • From the menu bar, select “Add on”;
    • Download the templates (.zip file).
  1. Open the file (.zip). There will be 3 folders, one for each support language (PT; ES; EN);
  2. Run the template for the report in the desired language with Power BI Desktop (for example: VALUEKEEP – EN – Assets);


  1. Configure the access to Valuekeep’s WebAPI using these 3 parameters:
    • API_URL: http://IP/valuekeep_webapi/api/, the IP can be replaced by the machine’s name
    • TENANT: Database Name
    • ORGANIZATION: Customer
    • Select “Upload”;

  1. A new “Privacy Levels” window pops up where you need to select “Ignore Privacy Level checks (…)” and then “Save”.

Note: if the system displays an error message after this step, ignore it and press “Close”

  1. From the top menu, access “Edit Queries” and select the “Data Source Settings”;

  1. Select “Data sources for the current file” and then “edit permissions” from the bottom corner;

  1. In the “Edit Permissions” window, below the “Credentials” press “edit”;

  1. A new “Access Web content” window will be displayed. Choose the “Basic” option on the left and enter:
    • Username: userPBI
    • Password: Set by the administrator (Note)
    • Select “Save”;

  1. Check if the “Privacy Levels” are set to “none” in “Edit Permissions” and select “Ok”;

  1. Repeat this process for each data source (for example: );


  1. Lastly, “Close”.


  1. Access the top menu and select “Refresh”.

Note: In the solution, access the main menu, select “users”, edit the “userPBI” user and set the password in the “authentication” tab.

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