Private Cloud

How to install Valuekeep in a Private Cloud?

138 views 4 October, 2017 4 October, 2017 Valuekeep 0

The installation of Valuekeep in a Private Cloud in countries where our Partner PRIMAVERA Business Software Solutions is in operation must be done via the PRIMAVERA Deployment Center (PDC) application.

To install and configure it, follow these steps:

  1. Install the desired product through PDC (Primavera Deployment Center).
  2. Execute the Instance Manager which will request, step by step, the information needed to configure the final environment:
    1. Load the file with the license to be used in the installation;
    2.  Identify the SQL instance and the authentication account for that SQL instance – The account used should have permissions for creating databases;
    3.  Assign the names to the Instance databases (Tenants) and the configuration databases;
    4. Set the SQL account which will be created for the application to access the databases;
    5. Configuration of the SMTP service to send emails;
    6. Market selection. This step is critical because it specifies which database scripts, which depend on the target market, will be used when creating the organization;
    7. Organization Data:
      1. Organization key;
      2. Organization name;
      3. Base currency of the companies within the organization;
      4. Reporting currency common to all companies;
      5. Name of the organization's database.
      6.  Finish the configuration.

How to update existing installations?

Updating a system in a production environment is always a critical operation. A downtime is associated with it and standard procedures for this type of intervention should be followed in order to mitigate its risks.

Recommended checklist which you should go through before an update:

  1. Select a time for the intervention which causes a minimum impact on the systems use;
  2. Avoid updating the Valuekeep product at the same time as other updates such as the operating system's updates or other applications' updates;
  3. Make a backup of the databases associated with the Valuekeep installation;
  4. Make a backup of the IIS applications which are associated with the Valuekeep installation.

To update the product just approve its installation on PDC. The update, besides potentially updating binaries which are available in the ISS applications associated with the product, may need to update the databases.

How to change the configurations of an installation?

At some point, it may be necessary to change some of the parameters entered in the initial configuration, or to create new organizations.
In order to change any of the previously set configurations, you should use the Instance Manager.

When executing the Instance Manager after the initial configuration, the user is faced with the following options:

  • Create a new organization;
  • Update one or more organizations;
  • Remove one or more organizations;
  • Update the licensing;
  • Configure the SMTP.

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