Work Management Mobile App

Mobile – Assign a Maintenance Plan to one or more technicians

117 views 3 September, 2018 Valuekeep 0

To assign a Maintenance Plan, access the “Work Management” menu and select the “Dashboard” option.
After opening this screen, you need to select the “Abribuir Ordens de Trabalho” option and then specify the applicable Work Order in the following screen.
If the selected Work Order is associated with more than one Maintenance Plan, a popup window will prompt you to select whether you want assign technicians to the WO directly or assign them to the specific Maintenance Plans.

To do this you will need to select the employees you wish to add to the selected Maintenance Plan under “Maintenance Plan“, similarly to the work order assignment screen. The Maintenance Plan selected by default belongs to the selected WO, but users can change this.
After making the desired changes you will need to save by pressing the “check” icon on the upper right corner.


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