Import Your Data

Batch Load

175 views 26 January, 2017 7 September, 2017 Valuekeep 0

Some entities present in the system allow batch loading of data by importing the new records into the system, from an Excel sheet or from a CSV file (comma separated values).

This activity should, usually, be executed by users with technical training in the specific product, since it is a task that requires, for example, knowledge of the existing data structures.

Bath load sessions management is done from the list which can be accessed through the menu option:

  • Configuration Tables | Utilities | Batch Load Sessions

By accessing this list, the user is able to view the load sessions already carried out and their states.

The data is loaded in an asynchronous process. This means that, when the user creates a new session, the latter is executed asynchronously, thus, he/she does not need to wait for it to finish.

Creating a Batch Load Session

To create a new load session, on the “Batch Load Session” list, the user should select the “New Record” option (second option on the list’s buttons bar):

  • Configuration Tables | Utilities | Batch Load Sessions

With the session creation screen open, the user should assign a name to the session (“Label” field), select the module and the service.

After selecting the Service, the grid with the involved entities is filled in by the system.

Before downloading the samples, the user can select the desired format.

The user should download the samples regarding each entity (last column of the grid) and, after filling them in, load the files into the “Document” cell of each entity found on the grid.

When the user downloads a sample, he/she is asked where on the disk does he/she want to save it. That will be the location the user will need to use to load the data.

Before loading the file into the grid, the user can fill it in with the records to be loaded.

For each of the samples, follow these steps:

    1. Open Excel;
    2. Open the file [name].xml;
    3. Fill in the records taking into account the following rules:
  1. The Id. column should be filled in with a numeric value (integer). This column should be referenced if the user wants to enter details found in other samples to be loaded.
  2. The columns with a name ending in “Id.” are associations to other entities. These should be filled in with those entities keys (E.g.: ‘PT’ corresponds to the key of the record “Portugal” in the “Países” – countries – table).
  3. The attributes marked with ‘*’ are required;
  4. The boolean fields must be filled in with ‘1’ to represent ‘true’ and ‘0’ to represent ‘false’.
  1. Save the file. If Excel asks you whether you would like to keep the format, answer yes;
  2. Close Excel. This step ensures that the file is not in use when it gets loaded into the system.

After saving the files, these should be loaded into the load session grid.

Lastly, the user should finish saving the new session: ‘Create‘ button.


The “Excel XML” file format is easier to use and should, therefore, be selected whenever the user has access to this tool.

How Can I Remove a Batch Load Session?

For some reason, the user may detect that the file supporting the batch load session had an error. In these cases, it is possible to revert the batch load session.

To remove the records loaded during a batch load sessions, follow these steps:

  1. Open the batch load sessions list by using the menu option:
    Configuration Tables | Utilities | Batch Load Sessions;
  2. Edit the record corresponding to the session you want to remove by using the option from the buttons bar of the list: “Edit current record“;
  3. In the session’s editing file, select the “Undo Session” option.

Similar to loading, the session removal is an asynchronous process which is triggered when the user invokes the corresponding action.

The user may check the state of the records removal session on the same list that is used for managing batch load sessions by using “Refresh Data“.

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