Maintenance Configurations

Create a new Notification

115 views 4 October, 2017 12 July, 2019 Valuekeep 0

To create a new notification, follow these steps:

  1. Access All Tasks Menu | Cooperative Operations | Notifications | Notifications;
  2. Open the list and press the "Create new record" button (at the top of the list).
  3. Fill in the Notification key;
  4. Define whether the notification will be sent via email and/or push notification;
  5. Add one or more Email Templates and specify the default template;
  6. Add users and specify the sending options;
  7. Press the Create button.

How to configure dynamic notification rules?

Notifications can be sent to additional recipients dynamically, based on rules. To activate dynamic notification rules, follow these steps.

  1. Create or edit a notification;
  2. Select the Notification Extension tab;
  3. Activate one or more rules in the Selected column and specify the sending option;
  4. Click confirm.

When a notification is associated with a state, whether the initial state or a transition, rules are assessed to determine the additional recipients to whom the notification must be sent. The following table describes the dynamic rules:

Rule Description
Person in charge of the WO Sends the email to the address associated with the person in charge of the WO. Only applies to WOs.
Person in charge of the Asset/Location/Route Sends the email to the address associated with the person in charge of the Asset/Location/Route. Applies to WOs, Issues, Preventive Maintenances and Supplier Contracts.
Requester Sends the email to the address associated with the requester of the Issue. Only applies to Issues.
Assigned Employees Sends the email to the addresses associated with all employees assigned to the WO when the state is changed. Only applies to WOs.
People in charge of the Work Centers Sends the email to the address associated with the people in charge of the Work Center, if specified. If the person in charge is not setup, the email is sent to the addresses of the people in charge of all Work Centers of the Asset/Location or Route Location. Applies to WOs, Issues and Preventive Maintenances.

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