Asset Management Mobile APP

Mobile – Error List

77 views 28 June, 2018 28 September, 2018 Valuekeep 0

Errors may occur when data is synchronized between the backoffice and the device. These errors are recorded in the device and you can view them following these steps:

  • Access Menu | Synchronization
  • From the upper right corner, press the other options icon (3 dots) and select the “View Errors” option. When you navigate to the Asset Management tab, the screen with an error list will be displayed.

This screen is divided into 2 tabs.

  • Assets – contains errors regarding the synchronization of assets created/edited in the application.
  • Locations – contains errors regarding the synchronization of locations created/edited in the application.

How to view the error's details?

To view an error’s details, select the (i) symbol on the errors list. A window will appear with the error’s details.

How to delete a record through the error list?

To delete a report select the (i) symbol from the errors list. A window will appear with the error’s details.
To delete the record press the delete button.

How to edit a record in an error state?

To edit a record in an error state, simply select it and an editing window will be displayed.

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